16 Agu 2013

Lee Yong Dae Virus

This is the crazy story about admiring someone who steal my attention. i admite that I ever knowing and love someone, its similar called fan. Yes I am the fan. Haha.
I love this guy really. I really really do. Its been so long you know, when I started watching badminton on television. Yes he is A Badminton Player, very good badminton player from Korea. (south korea)
His name is Lee Yong Dae, oh my god I felt melted when I hearing his name. but, that all that just I know, I didn’t know further about him, euh but doesn’t matter.. my fee; is so strong for him. I love him. I am the crazy one who admire him, I am his silly fan.
Lee Yong Dae??!!! You know i love you, I really really do. You make me crazy! Please kiss me hahaha.

 Oh my god, that was very hot…. Uuuuuuuuuuuh uuulala hot, you are very handsome Lee J :* J I love you haha,…

 oooh really :* :*

5 Agu 2013

Bu Judes Bu Pedes dasdesdos``~

suka sebel kalo dibilang ga perhatiin, padahal kan masih tetep ngedengerin walaupun sambil tulis-tulis gitu yaa tapi masih ada telinga yang bisa denger huh~

gak setiap sesi mendengarkan kita harus fokus ke muka pembicara dong, boceen, aceem tau gaa~ iuuh banget. harus ada jeda dong biar di kelas itu ngga bored ! -__-

aku kira cuma sehari ituh ajah,, iihh ternyata nyambung ke pertemuan berikut nya, oh oke fine.. woles aja haha. akan kubuktikan padamu, bahwa aku memperhatikan!




  1. Lee Yong Dae.

2. Chen Long

3. Ko Sung Hyun

itu tadi yang diatas pemain bulutangkis semua. Tapi bukan berarti yang lainnya gak hot ya, cumma emang laagi kepikiran 3 cowo diatas... mmm yummy ya !! unyu-unyu haha.

Guitarist oh Guitarist

Hello again :--D, after a couple mounth i never write the story, today im gonna tell you a brief story about someone who steal my attention.

im stuck with him, i dont know why, ive realized after i went to home. its just a feeling like a fan, but i think it more than deep.. its love i think??? but i dont know really why i can have the interested with him??? but id realized one reason that he can play guitar so well... oh my godness help me :D :D im so in love.

i never meet this boy before, he is wearing eyeglasses uuulala make him so damn handsome i like him, i like the way he plays guitar, the way he sing verry well... o my god his voice is so beautiful. :D <3

ok thats all for now, thank you :)